Friday, February 24, 2012

This helps maintain hormonal balance in the body ...

"Osteoporosis" What is osteoporosis? The word "osteoporosis" comes from the Latin phrase means "porous bones". Typically associated with aging, osteoporosis is a loss of bone density over time due to insufficient bone building minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. This weakening of the bone, silent and progressive. Many people are unaware that they suffer from the loss of bone density as they do not support the change in the normal course of business. While all bones can become weak and porous, the most frequently affected are the bones of the spine, hip and wrist. Loss of bone material can lead to other complications. Osteoporosis can lead to the collapse of the vertebra (vertebrae), which is very painful, reducing the height and spinal deformity. Hips and spine fractures are very serious, especially in elderly people. A patient who fell and broke his hip is a long recovery period, often to the detriment of their independence. After hip fracture, or spine, many elderly people feel the decline in health or even death. Osteoporosis is often considered as a disease women, but millions of older men also suffer from fractures and other complications associated with loss of bone mass density. Although not all children suffer from osteoporosis, loss of minerals from bone material can begin in childhood. Dietary and other habits are formed early in life can have a huge impact on future health. Causes of osteoporosis bones more than just a frame to support our bodies. They contain stores of minerals that our body needs, they produce blood cells, and they are a vital part of our immune system. Bones are constantly building and reconstruction using a "building blocks" of calcium and phosphorus. When there is a lack of these minerals, bones become weak and break easily. Our muscular and nervous systems also use calcium and phosphorus, if enough of these are not available in our diet, our bodies turn to minerals that are stored in our bones. If this happens constantly in stock low, causing the bones become porous and brittle. Some of the most common causes of bone loss: * Dietary deficiencies. Diets that do not contain enough calcium and vitamin D (needed for calcium absorption), and other important minerals and nutrients that prevent bones renew themselves quickly. * Aging. Although some amount of bone loss, normal aging, to the period after menopause, women often experience increased levels of bone layer, which is believed to be associated with decreased estrogen levels. * Some medicines. Some drugs, especially those containing steroids, can prevent the absorption of minerals and contribute to loss of bone mass density. * Lack of exercise. Activities that put a healthy amount of stress on the bone contributes to their growth and recovery. Sedentary lifestyle is not conducive to bone growth. * Smoking. Smoke from cigarettes is harmful to the body in different ways. It promotes lasix prescription bone loss by preventing the absorption of minerals and hormones that stimulate bone growth. Chemicals in cigarette smoke also stimulate the production of cortisol. This so-called "stress hormone" plays an important role in the structure of bone material. * Alcohol and caffeine intake. Alcohol and caffeine, the effect on the ability of bones to absorb calcium, which increases the probability of weakening bones. Risk factors for osteoporosis Certain characteristics increase the risk of osteoporosis, including those listed here. * Family history. If others in your family have osteoporosis, you are more likely to experience loss of bone density as well. * Race. Caucasian and Asian women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than women of other races. * Small body frame. People who have a small collection at greater risk of osteoporosis. * Some of the disease. People with diseases such as diabetes type I, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease (allergy wheat gluten, which prevents the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients), and hyperthyroidism are more prone to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Symptoms There are no outward signs of osteoporosis in early stage disease. As bone loss develops, a number of symptoms may become more apparent. * Back Pain, especially in the lower back or neck pain. * Reduce height. * Stooped posture or curvature of the upper back. * Compression fractures of vertebrae. * Easily broken bones, especially the spine, hip and wrist. Prevention of osteoporosis are many steps that you can do to deter attack osteoporosis, even if you are in one of the high risk categories. Some practical changes in diet and lifestyle can help slow bone loss, promote bone growth and significantly help your long term health. * Eat vegetables! Green leafy vegetables contain high amounts of bone building calcium. Soy is also a rich source of calcium. * Maintain a healthy intake of dairy products are an excellent source of calcium. Vitamin D is also essential for calcium absorption, look for milk and other foods that are fortified with vitamin D. Exercise *. While all ten minute walk a day can improve your bone health. No useful exercise stress, bones do not have enough stimulation to continue the restoration yourself. * Avoid smoking.

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There are no health benefits from smoking, but there are many dangers. Smoking reduces bone mass in various forms, and the sooner you stop smoking, the greater your chances of restoring bone density. * Reduce or eliminate alcohol and caffeine. Both contain elements that prevent the absorption of calcium. * The use of additives. It is difficult to get all the calcium and other minerals needed in the diet just because the body has many requirements for these nutrients. Additives designed to enhance bone health is a good source for compiling dietary deficiencies. * De-stress. Stress increases the production of the body hormone cortisol. Among other problems, cortisol contributes to weakening bones. Find relaxation techniques that you enjoy beneficial in many ways, including helping to maintain healthy levels of bone regrowth. Regardless of your age, never too late (or early) to make changes in your lifestyle that will lead to a decrease in the progression of osteoporosis and even stimulate the regrowth of bone material. Osteoporosis Test There are various laboratory tests are available that may indicate signs of osteoporosis. Some urine tests can detect excessive excretion of calcium, which is a warning about the loss of bone mass. Nutritional tests and vitamin analysis can determine you are not important nutrients, blood and thyroid tests may identify conditions that increase the risk of osteoporosis. For men, low testosterone levels may indicate a possible bone loss, laboratory tests can be measured testosterone levels to determine the degree of risk. If laboratory tests showed that the bone may be easing, further testing may be appropriate. The standard test is performed by doctors, bone mineral density test, a strong diagnostic tool. X-rays and ultrasound can detect signs of osteoporosis. Treatment of osteoporosis is bone supplements that promote bone growth and slow down bone loss. In addition to dietary supplements such as calcium, magnesium (another important mineral absorption of calcium) and vitamin D, are natural supplements bone that stimulate production of bone cells in the body, helps to improve bone density, bone and provide support. Click here to see our full range of bone supplements! Several species of grasses are often considered to be useful in promoting bone health. * Red clover available in some herbal teas, contains isoflavones, which are soft, estrogen-like compounds. * Alfalfa enhances the absorption of bone building nutrients. * Dandelion tea is believed to have properties that promote bone density. * Chinese herbs Dong Quai has been used for centuries. This helps maintain hormonal balance in the body and can be useful in maintaining bone health. Millions of people each year suffer from fractures and other complications associated with osteoporosis. Taking steps to increase your bone health is an important part of your overall well-being. No matter how old you are now, you can work to prevent or slow osteoporosis and protect the quality of life. .

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L'erreur 404 EST UN code d'erreur Dans Le Protocole HTTP.treatments of emphysema Xie code EST renvoy face UN serveur HTTP freezing indiquer Que la resource demande (gnralement IEE website) n'existe past. Certains navigateurs web affichent lasix 50 mg Alors le message 404 File Not Found (de l'Anglais means fichier without trouv) destination where l'internaute. Le premier 4 indique IEE erreur dans la requte, ICI IEE mauvaise URL, Wenan SHiP page obsolte OU SHiP erreur de saisie d'Address of Web de la part du visiteur. Le Dernier 4 indique le problme caustics nominal Cette erreur: la resource EST introuvable. ((English version:.

Colby, monterey, mozzarella, muenster, provolone ...

Since you are almost 70 years, I recommend you drink 4 cups of milk or the equivalent in calcium-rich foods a day, so you consume 1,200 milligrams of calcium. Drink one glass of milk with each meal and one cup of snack at night. Dairy products like milk, yogurt, kefir and cheese still are the best sources of calcium and get a more favorable effect on bone health than supplements in postmenopausal women. Select one of the following dairy products:

1 1/2 ounces of cheese i. E. Brick, Cheddar, Colby, Monterey, Mozzarella, Muenster, Provolone, Swiss (average 306 mg calcium)

1 ounce Parmesan cheese, Romano (336 mg and 302 mg calcium, respectively). If you can not tolerate milk or milk products, you can substitute 1 1/2 cup calcium fortified soy milk (199 mg calcium per cup) or 1 cup calcium fortified orange juice (351 mg calcium) to get the recommended 1200 mg per day. Make sure the soy milk and orange juice and fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and deposit calcium in bones. The best dietary sources of vitamin D, fortified dairy products, fatty ocean fish (halibut, herring, catfish feed, mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna and cod), liver and mushrooms (chanterelles, smorchky and Shiitake). You can also absorb vitamin D through skin that is exposed to sunlight for 20 minutes a day. However, exposure to the sun, you have a greater risk >> << skin and in the northern United States can not depend on sunlight for total vitamin D is necessary in winter. I would suggest calcium and vitamin D, only if you are unable to consume enough foods rich in calcium to get the calcium you need. Depending on your state of bone density, you can not see the reduction of bone loss in two years or more after the start of calcium. So do not stop taking calcium buy lasix generic when you do not see a rapid improvement of bone density scan. Your calcium intake may be part food and part of the supplement, but remember that supplements best taken with food. There are many supplements of calcium in your pharmacy. However, some supplements that contain vitamin D, and some are not. Choose calcium with vitamin D. average recommended daily dose of 1,200 milligrams of calcium is the same for women taking or not taking

(hormone replacement therapy). These recommended amounts include how you eat and any supplements of calcium you take. I also suggest you discuss this with your doctor for him / her to consider your other health problems. (Do not take calcium supplements or dairy products to overeat if you have a history of kidney or bladder stones).

Women Against resorptive therapy (drugs, like Fosamax, which prevent loss of calcium from the bones) may benefit from higher calcium intake. In the first 10 years after menopause, bone loss can average 13%. Twenty-six percent of women over 65 and women over 50% in '85 with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis in men beginning around the age of 55 years. Twenty percent to 50% of women with a history >> << are at risk of osteoporosis. Ninety-nine percent of calcium in the body is in your bones. Your bones are your savings account calcium and blood calcium your account calcium. You do not want to take calcium from the bones of their savings because it will make your bones more susceptible to abuse (fractures). When calcium in the blood is reduced, if not enough calcium coming from the food you eat and supplements you take, your body draws calcium from your bones calcium (savings account). As a result, your bones become more porous and brittle. This is an important factor in broken hips so often in the elderly, especially women. How much calcium in the bones, however, is not just a question of getting enough calcium and vitamin D during your years of growth. Estrogen and

how to play a role. Studies have shown that women with hysterectomy (removal of uterus) have a higher risk of osteoporosis, even if they retain their ovaries and discuss hormone replacement therapy (estrogen) to your doctor. Since you have already experienced menopause, you are not doing a lot of estrogen, although large stores fat can produce estrogen. Estrogen helps keep calcium in bones. Exercise also helps bones hard. Any exercise of weight, but swimming and cycling, stresses your bones and keeps them hard. Talk to your doctor about exercise program for you. Studies conducted in Wisconsin showed that women in the 80's and 90's can increase bone density (hardness) with enough calcium, vitamin D and exercise. It's not too late. If you did not have bone density testing, ask your doctor to appoint one. You only have to remove your shoes and lie down on the DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorbtsiometrii) low dose x-ray machine with 1/10 chest X-ray radiation for a few minutes quickly to identify you at risk of osteoporosis because of poor bone density. Also, if you smoke, stop, and if consumed excessively, reduce the number of servings of alcohol per day for women. .


Human hands touching mold contaminated surface

Fibromyalgia, asthma, emphysema, chronic pulmonary diseases and nasal sinuses, fatigue Syndromeor feelsick there simplyis not diagnosed? Mold exposure is probably the most erroneous diagnosis of the disease in the United States. Some doctors even say youMold illnesscan notbe diagnosis, or no such thing.early emphysema If you beengiven same or similar information, it can betime for youto get a new doctor. When you walk into your local doctors office they treat you, and symptoms, you brought in your office. Mould is an environmental problem. If you see environmental toxicologist most doctors do not realize that theactual where you live, work, or where youare spending most ofyourtime may be the cause of your illness. If you remove yourself from the environment that you can feel better. Many times our wedescribe symptomsto doctor as a "come and go." The fact that not come and go, you come and go. Averagefamily doctor trained in environmental sciences or related diseases and their lack of experience may tragicresult beyourmisdiagnoses. Doctors do not know what causes fibromyalgia. Current thinking centers of the theory called "central sensitization". This theory deals withsensitivity to pain and brain signals. Other thoughtsconcerning thecausation offibromyalgia are:

Sleep Disorders,

Injury, Infection


changes in muscle metabolism. Symptoms of Mold Exposure are the mirror reflecting the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Many people mistakenly diagnosed with fibromyalgia find relief when treatment Mold exposure. Without warning, suddenly somepeople diagnosed with asthma. Why they did, where he took and why put so suddenly, no one knows. What happens in emphysema and asthma? Inflammation or spastic closure of airways. Sometimes destroy fragile walls lungsthe air bags. As a result. bronchioles collapse, and the air is caught in a trap in the air bags stretching them and interfere with your ability exhaleor breath. Many doctors still in the dark agesregarding respiratoryfungal infections. Many stillbelieve only the elderly or immuno threat to people living with AIDS and ARC can get fungal infections. It seems the standard thought fifteen years ago, today showed, in different ways. The fact is, thatMold ISA living organism andthat whenintroduced the body if swallowed or inhaled easilyincubates andgrows in the human body. People who have beendiagnosed with lasix 100 mg bothAsthma and Emphysemahave said havefully recovered after treat Mold exposure. Mold Exposure and Reported Impact Moldcan doesaffect people in different ways. Mould can enter intothe human body through various ways. People are exposed Moldby food contaminated food, mold spores can enter individual sinuses and easily

through normal breathing or breathing in Mold contaminated buildings. People who smoke cigars are handmade and marijuana that was contaminated with mold reported infection of respiratory fungal infections. Human hands touching Mold contaminated surface and then to other body parts, i. ie eyes, lips, nose, etc. described as directcause blindness and other infections related to Mold. While long-term health effects of mold is the subject of discussion is the fact that mold creates allergic reactions in humans. These allergic reactions are more minimized by some lawyers. However, the fact remains, allergies can be deadly, as many people who areallergic to bee stings each year die. Adults and children with food allergies each year are dying or seriously ill. With several manufacturers advertising Hypoallergenic products is overwhelmingevidence aloneis ofthe Nationalconcerns regardingserious allergic reactionsby human body when exposedto certain substances. Forms allergies are real and adverse healthaffects of "Mold tiny particles" for the human body can be devastating. The following signs of mold exposure are reportedgenerally resulting from people being in Mold pollute the environment and off for a long period of time. Symptoms are reported to have become more severe and more lasting directlyin proportional length of time of exposure. They reported symptoms are: >> << Though it seems, mold can cause many symptoms, remember that there are thousands of species of mold. Different types Moldcan have a wide range ofreactionswithin different people. .

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B is € &#39;910bђ .

In order to objectively quantify emphysema, multiple light attenuation parameters based on histogram analysis

frequency distribution of attenuation values ​​of light were developed. The most commonly used methods are based on: measurement of average lung attenuation (MLA); area light is on

attenuation values ​​lower than the defined thresholds

BЂ "and led to a slight weakening percentile curve distribution. The first pathological-CT comparative study using a number of attenuation, Hayhurst

al. showed that the distribution curve of these densities was significantly shifted towards lower values ​​of attenuation in patients with emphysema

compared with normal people. In pathological, CT comparative study based on microscopic measurements

Gould and others. showed that the low attenuation values ​​Pyatiprotsentilnyy histograms were significantly associated with AWUV.

, Low Pyatiprotsentilnyy depends on the degree of emphysema, but also depends on the relative number of higher attenuation values ​​

appropriate airway walls, blood vessels, and any who wants to get right to shift the histogram. So, if emphysema is associated with other pulmonary diseases, the lowest Pyatiprotsentilnyy be underestimated

degree of emphysema. To overcome this limitation, the absolute threshold should be used and the relative area of ​​lung is

to reduce the value below this threshold measure. In 1988 Mtsјller

al. CT use commercially available program called density Maskb ® (General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) that

Key points in this range reduced and automatically calculates the area of ​​selected pixels. In this study

Mtsјller al. comparison of the relative area of ​​color on a 1 -, see CT, after administration of contrast medium with the corresponding

macroscopic part of the fixed lung cut in the same plane, CT and evaluated using a modified method of picture-grading system of Thurlbeck

etc. .. The highest correlation observed attenuation values ​​of B € '910 HU, and, consequently, the threshold recommended by the

to identify emphysema. However, a significant correlation shows that only CT and pathologic assessment

statistically related, but does not mean that the share of the region received quantitative CT level >> << percentage area occupied by emphysema on pathologic specimen. In addition, the proposed threshold may be influenced by >> << administration of contrast lasix drug side effects material. In addition, panel classification does not reflect the extent participate in the lungs and emphysema underestimates

panlobular emphysema, especially in the initial stage. In an attempt to determine the best attenuation threshold for recognition of emphysema, a program that automatically recognizes

light traces light paths, attenuation value histogram defines and measures the light area occupied by pixels

included in a given range of values ​​of the damping was applied at 1 - mm CT sections. In thin sections obtained from CT lung top to the base of 1 -, cm intervals, the relative area of ​​the lung, expressed as a percentage

occupied by attenuation values ​​lower than various thresholds of B € '900BЂ "B € '970 HU was calculated. In >> << first study based on 63 patients resection of lung CT data compared to the macroscopic degree of emphysema measured on the horizontal

Paper set targets sections of the lungs, the authors previously validated computer method. It was shown that only the threshold for which there was no significant difference between the distribution >> << CT measurement and distribution of macroscopic measurements would be € '950BЂ ... HU. Thresholds B € '950BЂ ... HU underestimate emphysema, and thresholds

B € '950BЂ ... HU overestimate emphysema. Case by case comparison of the relative area occupied by attenuation values ​​of B € '950


and the relative area of ​​lung macroscopically occupied by emphysema was 4. 9% and the range of 0. 1BЂ. "19 9% . These data indicate that the relative area

light is weakening value B € '950 HU calculated on thin section CT obtained at full inspiration >> << was a method that allows objective quantification of macroscopic emphysema

in vivo and with an acceptable error. from McLean et al. recommended emphysema should be measured microscopically and macroscopically not, comparison

CT and morphometry should include microscopic measurements. AWUV Using a microscopic measurement of alveolar> ;> << a wall surface of 28 items mentioned in the surgical resection of tumors of the lung, Gould

al. reported significant correlations between AWUV and Pyatiprotsentilnyy low frequencies the attenuation curve

values ​​(r = '0 B € 77, P0 001.). designed for 13 - mm CT sections in a later study based on 38 patients also referred to as

to lung resection, the average distance between the layers. (MIWD) and mean perimeter (MP) was measured and the percentage surface area occupied by lung

attenuation value below the threshold of B € '900BЂ "B € '970BЂ ... HU was compared with the microscopic parameters. It was shown that a high correlation was obtained with B € '950 HU (g = 0. 70). Thus, both macro-and microscopic studies >> << conducted by a group of authors have suggested that RA is

Most Valuable measure the degree of emphysema. To predict lung surface to volume ratio of CT attenuation values ​​Coxson

al. B is € '910BЂ ...anabolic xtreme phera plex HU, as threshold and compared with CT measurement of histological evaluation of surface area.

lung capacity was calculated by summing the sizes vokseliv in each piece and light weight is determined by multiplying the average light

reduce the cost of the lungs. From these measurements, Coxson

etc. .. comparison of emphysema found in the same proportion of CT and point counting of samples withdrawn

showed that the volume fraction of damage 5BЂ ... mm in diameter measured by morphometry similar to the fraction of light

inflated above 10. 2BЂ mLb · ... he also showed that defeat 5BЂ ... mm in line lung inflated between 6. 0BЂ "10. 2BЂ ... mLb · g

and that regions inflated below 6. 0BЂ ... mLb · g

morphologically normal. This method was more accurate than the surface area occupied by emphysema, as these authors

decrease the ratio of surface to volume in mild emphysema, and surface area and tissue weight were reduced only in severe

the disease. << >>

Loss of muscle protein, as a rule, the central

Weight loss often occurs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which negatively affect their quality of life, response to treatment and survival. Loss of muscle protein, as a rule, the central component of weight loss in patients with COPD. Attempts to bring the loss of muscle mass in patients with COPD, supplying a large amount of protein and calories that these patients have failed. Gains in muscle mass in COPD is difficult to achieve if specific metabolic sent. Scientists recently found that changes in the metabolism of proteins present in normal patients with COPD weight. Elevated levels what are the side effects of lasix of protein synthesis and breakdown rates were found in this group of COPD that changes are already present before there is a loss of muscle mass. In addition, decreased plasma essential amino acids (EAA) levels were observed in patients with COPD. This decrease in plasma EAA were significantly associated with the presence of muscle mass in patients with COPD. So far, limited research has been done studying protein metabolism and response to diet in patients with COPD. Previous studies support the concept of essential amino acids (EAA) as anabolic stimulus in young and elderly and in the states, insulin resistance. So far, no information is present on the anabolic effect of EAA in elderly patients with COPD. Therefore, our assumption that high-leucine essential amino acid mixture specifically designed to stimulate protein anabolism will be sent to the metabolic changes in patients with COPD. In this study, the effect of acute EAA supplement food for the whole body, muscle and liver protein metabolism will be considered in patients with COPD and compared with the addition that includes a balanced mixture of amino acids. Primary endpoints will be the degree of stimulation of protein synthesis the whole body, as this is the main mechanism by which any amino acid or protein results in muscle anabolism and decrease endogenous protein breakdown.signs of weak immune system Both endpoints will be measured by isotope methodology, which is considered the reference method. .

Sometimes doctors prescribe them to help ...

What is it? Ever wondered how those bulky weightlifters have such great? While some might have gotten their muscles through a rigorous regime of weight lifting and diet, others may be obtained by such illegal use of anabolic androgenic steroids. Anabolic refers to the ability of steroids help build muscle mass, and androgenic refers to its role in promoting the development of male sexual characteristics.vitamins to strengthen immune system Other steroids such as cortisol, estrogen and progesterone do not build muscle without anabolics, and therefore does not have the same harmful effects. Anabolic steroids are usually synthetic substances related to male sex hormone testosterone. They have no legitimate medical purposes. Sometimes doctors prescribe them to help people with certain types of anemia and men who do not produce enough testosterone on their own. But doctors never prescribe anabolic steroids to young, healthy people to help them build muscle. Without a prescription from a doctor, anabolic steroids are illegal. There are many different anabolic androgenic steroids. Here are some of the most common of them taken today: Andro, oxandrin, Dyanabol, Vynstrol, Deca Durabolin, and balance. What are the street names? Slang for steroids are hard to find. Most people just say steroids. On the street, steroids may be called "steroids" or "juice. [

] Scientific name for this class of drugs anabolic androgenic steroids. But even scientists shorten it to anabolic steroids. [

How are they used? Some people who abuse steroids pop pills. Others use hypodermic needles for the administration of steroids directly into muscles. When people take drugs without regard to their legality or their adverse health effects, they are abusing steroids. People who abuse steroids are known to take doses 10 to 100 times higher than the amount prescribed by a doctor for medical indications. [

What is the Scope of steroids? Most teens are smart and stay away from steroids. Within the 2010 NIDA-funded study, teens were they ever tried steroids, even once. only 1. 1 percent of the 8th grade, 1. 6 percent of 10-graders, and 2. 0 percent of 12-graders have tried steroids. [

] Abuse is well known, there are a number of professional sports, including bodybuilding and baseball. What are the consequences? major health effects from abusing anabolic steroids can include premature slowing growth to the maturation of the skeleton and rapid change in puberty. This means that adolescents risk for other short part of their life if they take anabolic steroids before they cease to grow. Other effects include jaundice (yellow coloring of skin, tissues and body fluids), fluid retention, high blood pressure, increased LDL (bad cholesterol), decreases. in HDL (good cholesterol), severe acne, trembling, and in very rare cases, liver and kidney tumors also have some gender side effects:

For guysshrinking testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, breast development and increased risk of prostate cancer >> << For girlsgrowth facial hair, male pattern baldness, changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle, increasing the clitoris, and the constant deepening of the voice

Steroids may also affect behavior. Many users report feeling good about themselves while on anabolic steroids, but researchers report that extreme mood swings also can occur, including manic symptoms leading to violence. This is because anabolic steroids are in parts of the brain called the limbic lasix without a prescription system, which affects mood, but also involved in learning and memory. Steroids can also cause other changes in mood such as feelings of depression or irritability. depression, which can be life threatening, often seen when the drugs are stopped and may contribute to the further use of anabolic steroids. The researchers also reported that users may suffer from paranoia, jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, disturbance decision arising from a sense of invincibility. This page was updated in October 2011.